
Franz Renner

Are you poor, your heart is out
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
St. Nikolaus
date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
The home would have to accept it more, seems to me. Sheer wealth one knows the home never Sun That's it. So if you're poor and you have your blood in it, and that's there - that's not sharing! You must! You have to be different! You have to be Italian! You must be a fascist! And so on. That - that is - as can be now because of me quite a small part, but the majority has remained steadfast. But he just has to live very poor. Other times when I would have gone to someone, they would have given you everything. But since you would have to be an Italian. Fascists dress wear and all follow what - and follow what they tell you there .. this and this and only Italian! A German word can not fall any! Otherwise will be punished! Beaten. Yes. Yes, and I'm just left school. Yes, of course. Only Half came out, so half of what I might mathematically a bit - you can learn a little bit and somewhere else a few more subjects. The other is still without a school leaving certificate - are out after school are not. Most have no school leaving certificate. Some have gone to school after a bit, they have a few Italian words and a few are German, they issued as something that pro forma certificate is there. But one of us is as nothing. Yes, then you got no chance. - - - Yes, and it - you can not walk school. I've got - if a family has to go have to work, so must feed the family and see that it goes on. Then you can not always do and learn as long. It is only now since the pension where I still am learning. And then, as I said, happens from time to return my daughter. "Yes, now you've improved," not much more she says. "Now you have improved you." Yes. - - -